toxic jobs

Personal stories about toxic jobs and workplace woes.

June 02, 2012

Find a ladder to climb!

Serena, 24, won an entry level position in a property development company and had only been at the job for two weeks before she saw a ladder to climb and despite being told at the interview that promotions are normal after twelve months with the company, she went ahead and applied for the higher position and she got it!

“There was absolutely nothing wrong with the entry level position I had been placed in," says Serena, "it's just that I had my eye on the main chance and had no intention of becoming complacent and comfortable at the bottom of the rung - or, indeed, on any rung up the ladder to success.”

“I quickly earned a reputation as a go-getter and within my first year had moved up three levels, and I now earn nearly a six-figure salary," boasts Serena. "My philosophy is simple: "Never stay too long in any position, and if the company doesn't have a ladder to climb then find a company that does."

“Becoming complacent, and trusting that all is going to continue being perfect in your first job, is a big mistake," says Serena. "Many of my friends did this and became nothing more than sitting ducks ready to be shot down."

"I know that any job exists purely at the whim of the person above you in the food chain," says Serena, "and becoming complacent in a job is dangerous because you can lull yourself into a false sense of security. No job is secure. None.”

Read more by Serena:

  • don't be a sitting duck
  • when opportunity knocks, be pro-active
  • deal with workplace change

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